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Total Curve Review


What is Total curve?

Total Curve (owned by Leading Edge Marketing Inc) is a two-part natural breast augmentation therapy solution that consists of a daily supplement and a lifting and firming gel.
The herbal supplement has a blend of nine natural components that work together to tighten and enlarge the breasts.
Total curve includes six natural components as well as VolufilineTM, a unique combination that has been clinically shown to enhance breast size by up to 8.4% in less than three months.

How does Total Curve work?

The fact that the Total Curve daily breast enlargement programme included both natural breast growth pills and a natural breast lift cream attracted my attention (as opposed to so many of the others out there).

Total cuve is extensively tested and used the capsules and cream by many of women, and I hope that by sharing their experience and candid Total Curve review, you'll get some useful information about the product before ordering it for yourself.
Let me back up a bit and start from the beginning before I get into the intricacies of what Total Curve accomplished for them.

Add in the fact that, while featuring a large list of promising components, the Total Curve products were incredibly affordable.

How to use it?

Intensive Daily Breast Enhancement Dietary Supplement comes in a container with 60 capsules. For optimum effects, take the supplement twice a day, according to the directions. Take one after breakfast and one after supper to make it simpler for me to remember. If you take the suggested daily dosage, one bottle should last you 30 days.

It's also recommended that you use the Intensive Daily Breast Enhancement Lifting and Firming Gel twice a day. Carefully rubbed a little coating of the gel into your breasts until it was entirely absorbed. used the gel once in the morning and once at night before going to bed, just like you do with the vitamins.

The Total Curve Pills are a supplement that can help you lose weight and become in shape.

The natural components in Total Curve tablets are derived from herbs and plants and contain natural phytoestrogen in some form.

Phytoestrogen is a plant molecule that mimics estrogen's effects. Estrogen is involved in the development of secondary feminine features such as larger breasts, broader hips, and so on. It also aids with the regulation of the menstrual cycle, which was the major plus for the most of women.

But, for the interest of a comprehensive Total Curve review, let's get into the details. Let's take a look at the natural components in Total Curve pills and see how they might aid breast enlargement.

Buckwheat Flowers/Leaves

Rutin is abundant in buckwheat leaves and blossoms. Rutin is a pigment found in plants that has potent antioxidant effects. It encourages the body to generate more collagen, which is beneficial to your skin and breasts.

Rutin not only helps the body manufacture more collagen, but it also helps Vitamin C work better (another component of the daily supplement). As a result, blood circulation is improved, and capillaries are strengthened.

Seeds of fennel.

Fennel is a superfood, in case you didn't know. It has an extremely low calorie count yet a lot of health advantages. For example, eating the correct quantity of food every day may help keep your blood pressure in check, give you strong bones and a healthy heart, and even avoid some cancers.

Fennel is another component high in phytoestrogens, which help to regulate female hormones. It can assist in the normalisation of menstrual abnormalities. Fennel seeds, which are high in flavonoids, a kind of plant chemical, can also aid in the healing and development of new breast tissue.

Root of Dong Quai

Dong Quai Root has been utilised for millennia in Southeast Asia because of its many therapeutic qualities. It is sometimes referred to as a "blood cleanser" since it can aid in the management of hypertension, the prevention and treatment of allergic reactions, and even the treatment of infertility.

When it comes to female hormones, it can aid in the maintenance of appropriate oestrogen and progesterone levels, which are crucial for breast growth.

Leaf of Damiana

Damiana is a shrub that grows wild in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. The leaves and stem are harvested and used to make medication. It was formerly thought to be an aphrodisiac (a sexual stimulant for both genders). However, it has been used to treat stress, sadness, and anxiety in the past.

It has been shown to be effective in the formation of new breast tissue when coupled with other phytoestrogen-rich herbs.

Thistle of blessings.

Blessed Thistle offers several advantages. It was once employed as a cure for the black plague, and monks turned it into a tonic. It's now frequently used to treat colds, coughs, cancer, fever, bacterial infections, and stomach issues as a tea.

Blessed Thistle, like Damiana Leaf, is a powerful hormone balancer. It also aids nursing moms in producing more breast milk.


The bloom of the Hops plant is known as hops. It has been used to treat a variety of ailments, including anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, and stress, to mention a few.

It's a phytoestrogen producer, much like the other natural substances on this list. Hops has been utilised for women's health for a long time as a result of this. It's utilised for breast development and breastfeeding, to be more specific.

Leaves/Shoots of watercress

The cabbage family includes watercress. Although it is not as well-known as cabbage, it is one of the oldest known vegetables consumed by humans.

Watercress is beneficial to one's general health. Because it is nutrient-dense but low in calories, the US Centers for Disease Control ranked it first on the Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetables List. It's also thought to help with breast health and cancer prevention.

Root of Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh Root became popular in the mid-1950s for treating female health issues. Native Americans were the first to utilise it, and it was eventually brought by European colonists.

It can treat any symptom related with a shortage of oestrogen, including PMS, cramping, and menopausal symptoms.

Root of the wild yam.

Wild Yam Root can be used to treat a variety of menopausal symptoms. It generates a phytoestrogen called diosgenin, which is a natural alternative to hormone treatment.

It has been shown in studies to be beneficial in the treatment of uncomfortable menstruation, osteoporosis, and infertility, to mention a few. It also aids in the process of breast augmentation.

The TotalCurve Cream is a cream that is used to treat wrinkles.

I mentioned VolufilineTM before, but what else is in the gel except Volufiline? I was curious whether it contains any other substances that assist lift, firm, or improve the size and shape of the breasts. It turns out that it does.

The Total Curve firming gel offers skin-nourishing natural comonents in addition to plumping your breasts. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Butter made from mango.

Mango butter is another component that aids in the retention of moisture in the skin. Mango Butter is made by pressing and rendering the seed kernel of a mango tree.

It's found in a variety of skin care products, including body butter, lotion, and more. It restores the skin's youthfulness and suppleness by softening it.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamin C is included in a variety of serums on the market. It's a skin lightener that's made from natural ingredients. You may anticipate a brighter and more even skin tone if you use Vitamin C serums on a regular basis. The vitamin is also beneficial in the processing of collagen for utilisation by the skin.

Finally, it contains antioxidants that help protect your skin from the effects of stress and pollution.


Caffeine is the last component in the gel. Coffee beans have received a lot of attention in recent years due to their anti-inflammatory effects. It's even used in body washes to firm up the skin and fight cellulite.

It, like most of the other components on this list, is high in antioxidants, which can help your skin retain its youthfulness and fight the damaging effects of the environment.

Ingredients in Total Curve Serum

Aloe Vera Extract is a kind of aloe vera that is used to treat

Do you know why Aloe Vera is such a popular sunburn remedy? It's because it's a natural healer. It can soothe burnt skin while also making you feel cool and rejuvenated.

Apart from that, it possesses anti-aging properties. It rapidly enters the skin, feeding and renewing cells while also repairing damaged tissue.

Bearberry Extract is a supplement that contains bearberry extract.

Bearberry is really beneficial to your skin! It contains potent antioxidants and can aid in the production of new cells. Because it has high antioxidant properties, it can protect the skin from additional damage caused by stress, the sun, or other external causes.

Bearberry extract also includes arbutin, which helps to smooth the skin and level out the tone.

Algae Extract is a kind of algae that may be found in the ocean.

It gets more difficult for our skin to retain moisture as we get older. This is why there are so many face and body moisturisers for ladies of a particular age on the market. Algae extract has been added to the serum to reduce dryness. Algae, as you may know, is derived from marine plants and is high in vitamins and minerals, which help the skin retain moisture. Furthermore, it allows the skin to tighten up without creating irritation.


Volufiline, like all of the natural breast augmentation solutions I promote on this blog, has been thoroughly tested to guarantee that it will provide the greatest possible outcomes for people who use it. The active ingredient's sarsasapogenin content is responsible for its efficacy.

Lipogenisis, or the process of interacting with the fat tissue in a woman's breasts and causing it to proliferate, is caused by sarsasapogenin. The user's bosoms get bigger and fuller as the number of fat cells in the breast region increases.

When can you expect to see results?

Remember, this was only due to the usage of VolufilineTM. Many other components in Total Curve have comparable advantages. I'll go through each of them in more detail later.

Of course, outcomes will vary from person to person, but science suggests that these results are 100% repeatable when using the Total Curve breast augmentation procedure as directed.
I'm not a doctor, pharmacist, or herbalist, so I'm not going to make any claims, but a 56-day clinical experiment on 28 volunteers found a 6.4 percent increase in breast size at 28 days and an 8.4 percent rise at 56 days after using a gel containing VolufilineTM.

Are the results of the Total Curve permanent?

Despite this, you can state that the results you will have when you first start taking Total Curve it will be constant. And, according to research, the effects of Total Curve can last for a long time if two requirements are met:

First and foremost, you should avoid any dramatic weight reduction. After all, breasts are primarily comprised of fat, so if you lose a lot of weight, your breasts may shrink as well.

The second stipulation is that you return to the programme at least once a year. your bodies will continue to change as a result of hormones, your lifestyle, and your age, so we must keep up with the changes and preserve the outcomes you have achieved by taking maintenance dosages.

Side Effects of TotalCurve

I could have skipped this section of my Total Curve review, but despite being a great admirer of the Total Curve breast augmentation therapy programme, I want to offer you a complete picture of what these pills and cream can and cannot accomplish for you.

Users usually take the Total Curve breast enlargement pills after a meal and have had no bad side effects to yet. There were no gastrointestinal issues - none at all!

Women who periodically suffer from seasonal allergies, so they were a little concerned when they started taking these vitamins, but luckily, nothing unusual happened.

The Total Curve natural breast enlargement cream is the same way: there are no bad side effects. It felt great applying the lotion and conducting the two-times-daily breast massages.

I've read other Total Curve reviews online, and customers don't appear to have had any unpleasant side effects, so I'm comfortable endorsing the complete Total Curve breast augmentation therapy regimen. However, as previously said, outcomes may vary. If you're concerned about unfavourable side effects, talk to your doctor.

However, one thing some users did notice were that their emotions improved. When their menstruation was approaching, they used to feel quite irritable. They used to get terrible migraines and cramps. However, since using the pills, They haven't had any of their normal PMS symptoms.

For users, this has been a game changer. The increase in breast size, firmness, and young appearance and feel are all benefits.

Where can I get TotalCurve?

You should avoid purchasing TotalCurve goods from third-party websites since you never know what you'll get.
Even if you obtain a genuine product, it is unlikely to have been preserved in the manner in which the firm would have done so.

This also applies to the items' freshness. If you buy from a third-party site, they are more concerned with generating a profit than with providing fresh items to their clients. As a result, there's no assurance that the items aren't out of date!
Finally, unless you purchase the goods directly from the company selling it, you will not be eligible for the firm's money-back guarantees (among other insurances)!

Breast Health is Promoted by Total Curve.

Breast cancer is the leading cause of death among women. Breast cancer is responsible for almost ten percent of all cancer fatalities in women, with over half a million deaths worldwide and nearly one percent of all deaths each year. Breast cancer is the leading cause of mortality in the United States.

These are depressing figures. They're made more depressing by the fact that breast cancer is frequently avoidable. While some instances are inherited, more frequently than not, a woman's chance of getting breast cancer is determined by her lifestyle, food, exercise, and other variables.

Total Curve thinks that raising awareness about the issue is a critical step in avoiding breast cancer and improving women's general health. It is for this reason that we have produced this essay. We believe you'll agree that information is power, and that power comes with the potential to save lives.
Breast cancer is most often seen in the milk ducts, or the lining that feeds milk to the ducts. When the carrier detects a lump on her breast, 80% of breast cancers are diagnosed. The importance of timing in achieving a successful outcome cannot be overstated. The sooner it is discovered, the higher the chances of survival. Hormone treatment, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are all options for treating breast cancer.

According to statistics, a woman in the United States has a 12.5 percent risk of acquiring breast cancer over her lifetime, with a one in 35 probability of dying from it. While genetics has a role in predicting the probability of breast cancer, it is only a 5% cause. By far the most prevalent cause of breast cancer is poor lifestyle choices. Breast cancer in women is caused by excessive alcohol use, smoking, a lack of exercise, and obesity, especially after menopause.

A person's age is also an influence. Only 5% of breast cancer patients are under the age of 40.

This emphasises the need of developing good lifestyle habits when still young. The list of practises that can help you avoid breast cancer is long.

Starting with mushrooms and green tea is a good place to start. According to a recent research of over 2,000 women, women who ate mushrooms on a daily basis had a 50% reduced risk of breast cancer. The danger was reduced by 90% when coupled with green tea.

Make vegetables, particularly brassicas, a staple of your diet (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and Brussels sprouts). According to studies, women who eat one and a half servings of brassica vegetables per day had a 42% lower risk of breast cancer. Consumption of brassica vegetables reduces the incidence of breast cancer. The lesser the danger, the more brassicas you eat.

Obesity should be avoided, especially after menopause. According to a recent research, gaining 22 pounds after menopause raised the risk of breast cancer by 18%.

Breast cancer is also caused by alcohol and secondhand smoking. According to studies, women who took two units of alcohol per day raised their odds of having breast cancer by 8%, with the risk increasing proportionally with each subsequent drink. Secondhand smoking, especially in premenopausal women, raised the risk of getting breast cancer later in life by an incredible 70%!

Total Curve can assist you in lowering your risk. Buckwheat and watercress have been deliberately incorporated in our Total Curve Daily Supplement since they've both been shown to improve overall breast health in women. What's more promising is that new medical research shows that watercress is a potent breast cancer inhibitor. Watercress appears to interfere with a protein linked to breast cancer, according to a new British research. In fact, the study's findings show that watercress simply 'turns off the breast cancer signal,' thereby stopping cancer progression in its tracks.

This is great news for ladies, and yet more reason to let Total Curve 3-Step Breast Enhancement Therapy transform your body into a beautiful, natural, and healthy structure.


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